Interior tenant improvements of sanctuary and school building. Scope included installing new reredos with built-in lighting, demo and level alter wall, and install owner supplied custom designed mosaic tile. Coordination was needed internationally as the reredos was custom built in Crete, Greece. Installed 200 square feet of custom mosaic tile art piece at church alter. Installed reredos with custom wood trim for built in aesthetic. Ensured placement of a modular Pre-School and Kindergarten classroom building, related utility work and playground site work. Site improvements performed to the Parish Plaza in front of the sanctuary and Moran Hall, and improvements made to the Sanctuary side entrance. An interior remodel of Moran Hall was done replacing existing school office with a ministry conference room. Also, an additional interior remodel of the school was done replacing existing classroom with the school reception office and exterior work included replacement of school office entry doors and a school entry sign addition.